"Sometimes people help each other, and get messed up in each other’s business; sometimes we stay out of it and let people find the way themselves. It’s always right to offer help, but not all help is right." 3.5 Stars It's usually a hard thing for a sequel to beat the début. But, Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend is definitely better than Confessions of an Angry Girl on just about every level. In the first book we met Rose and figured out the problems that have changed her but haven't changed her to be necessarily angry like the title has promised us.But in the sequel as I first began reading, I was expecting some of the same stuff. I was expecting Rose to whine a lot and for her to say things that the characters thought were really mean and bad but actually aren't. But don't get me wrong, all of this is still in Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend but there's also more. There's more anger, more fights, more pain, more heartache. I was really shocked upon finishing this to realize that I liked this. A freaking lot.Unfortunately, most of the book revolves around Jamie Forta who is, one of my least favourite characters. Albeit he's a caring character who puts the people he cares about before himself, I hate how the author has built him up as a 'tragic hero' with a huge flaw that is meant to be overlooked because all of the characters need him. I found this bit really annoying for me and I just could not bring myself to like him. Another thing I don't like is how much Rose whines throughout the story. It's one thing for her to start whining in her head for only us, the readers to know but she complains to Jamie about everything--him talking to Regina and what it was all about, how all of her friends are prettier than her, and how jealous she is of the Deladdo family. It's just annoying.As usual I love the writing. Louise Rozett has a lot of talent making even the simplest things seem complex and important. The second part of the novel is when everything starts to get good with everything coming at Rose all at once rather than one at a time. And she explodes! I especially love Christmas Eve because this is when her bitchy side comes out of nowhere. She reacts to everything on impulse rather than planing out what she wants to say which is the reason why I love it so much. Most of the characters are a lot more developed, we get to know bits and pieces of why Regina and the rest of the Deladdo family are so cruel towards Rose and other people which helps readers sympathize with them a lot more than I did in the first book. And the ending. What an ending! Even though I had a sense that it was going to happen I was not expecting it to affect me as much as it did with the fighting and the heartbreak. This series is really moving their way up in my books!All in all, I really liked this book. It's funny, has a bunch of action, and it has suspense, something that a lot of YA books are missing nowadays. The first half of the book is quite annoying which forced me to bring the rating down but the second half is so unexpected and exciting, I couldn't help but want Rose to pull on top and get what she wants. I recommend this to everyone who has read the first book and to anyone who's looking for a new series to read. If you get through the first book, I promise hope that you'll like the second one much better.